Annandale Public School District 876 Regular Meeting of the School Board – September 26, 2022 at 7:00 pm
• Scheer called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. n Board members present: Jon Scheer, Katie Jones, Melissa Muehring-Paulson, Gena Jacobson, Jennifer Mealey, and Paul Zabinski and Student Representative: Molly Klippenes.
• Mealey moved for approval of the Agenda Items. Jones seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
• Committee Reports n Community Comment/Concerns: One member of the community addressed the board.
• Zabinski moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Mealey seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
• Approval of meeting minutes from the August 22, 2022 Regular Board Meeting
• Approval of the September check register
• Acceptance of September donations MEADA $500 Symposium Project St. John’s Lutheran Church $1,088.87 C.A.R.E.S Fund St. John’s Lutheran Church $800 Elementary Activities-Firecracker 5K Annandale Lion’s Club $495 Robotics Activity Fund Annandale Lion’s Club $555 Jordan Family Scholarship Fund Ruth Duffy Art supplies AES Myron & Laurie Morris 2 Backpacks AMS
• Approval of 22-23 September Lane Change Requests
• Approval of Leave(s) of Absence
• Unfinished Business
• Enrollment projections for 2022-23
• District Enrollment Summary
• Review Open Enrollment
• New Business
• Review MCA scores
• Annandale MCA Report
• Grade full test scores
• Zabinski moved to approve the Proposed Property Tax Levy. Jones seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
• Mealey moved to approve three policies in the review cycle. Zabinski seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
• Mealey moved to approve the following 22-23 Contracts. Muehring-Paulson seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
• Lori Andersen – Payroll Specialist – District Office
• Raymond DeMarre, Jr. – Lead Technology Specialist
• Mealey moved to approve the following 22-23 Work Assignments. Muehring-Paulson seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
• Kayla Hormann – Paraprofessional – AES
• Melissa Henkemeyer – Paraprofessional – AES
• Rachel Bruneau – Paraprofessional – AHS
• Wiley Hillestad – Groundskeeper – District
• Katie Stewart – Night Custodian (Part-time) – Community Education
• Jacobson moved to approve the following High School Activities Advisory Committee proposals. Mealey seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
• Fall Sideline Cheer, Winter Competition Cheer & Robotics
• Information Items
• The next monthly meeting that was previously scheduled on Monday, October 24, 2022 at 7:00 pm was rescheduled to Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 7:00 pm and will be held in person at the Annandale Elementary School media center.
• Jones made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 pm. Mealey seconded. Motion carried 6-0. A full copy of the Minutes of the School Board Meeting are available in the ISD 876 District office.
(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, november 2, 2022)
General Notice
City of South Haven (Owner) is requesting Bids for the construction of the following Project:
South Haven Water Tower 204010
Bids for the construction of the Project will be received at 521 Oak Avenue, P.O. Box 97, South Haven, MN 56382 until Wednesday, November 30, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. local time. At that time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read. The opening and reading of the Bids may be modified subject to COVID-19 preventative measures. The Project includes the following Work:
Construction of a New Water Tower, Watermain, demolition of old tower, removal of watermain, and electrical controls.
Bids are requested for the following Contract:
Infrastructure Improvements
Obtaining the Bidding Documents
The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is:
Bollig Inc
1700 Technology Drive NE, Suite 124
Willmar, MN 56201
Prospective Bidders may obtain or examine the Bidding Documents at the Issuing Office on Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and may obtain copies of the Bidding Documents from the Issuing Office as described below. Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available from the Issuing Office. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for full or partial sets of Bidding Documents, including addenda, if any, obtained from sources other than the Issuing Office.
Bidding Documents may also be examined at the Willmar Builders Exchange, 2104 East Highway 12, Willmar, MN 56201; the office of the South Haven City Clerk/Treasurer at 521 Oak Avenue, South Haven, MN, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. or may be purchased online at www.bollig-engineering.com under the bidding tab through QuestCDN for $40.
Printed copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained from the Issuing Office by paying a deposit of $100 for each set. Bidders who return full sets of the Bidding Documents in good condition within 10 days after receipt of Bids will receive a refund of $60.00 for documents returned in good condition within the time limit indicated above. Make deposit checks for Bidding Documents payable to Bollig Inc.
Pre-bid Conference
A pre-bid conference for the Project will not be held.
Instructions to Bidders
For all further requirements regarding bid submittal, qualifications, procedures, and contract award, refer to the Instructions to Bidders that are included in the Bidding Documents.
American Iron and Steel Section 746 of Title VII of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2017 (Division A – Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017) and subsequent statutes mandating domestic preference applies an American Iron and Steel requirement to this project. All iron and steel products used in this project must be produced in the United States. The term “iron and steel products” means the following products made primarily of iron or steel: lined or unlined pipes and fittings, manhole covers and other municipal castings, hydrants, tanks, flanges, pipe clamps and restraints, valves, structural steel, reinforced precast concrete, and Construction Materials. The following waivers apply to this Contract: De Minimis, Minor Components, and Pig iron and direct reduced iron. Wage Rates This project is funded by USDA Rural Development and Small Cities Development Group. As a result, Federal wage rates apply to this Contract.
This Advertisement is issued by:
Owner: City of South Haven
By: Norman Bodeker
Title: Mayor Date: October 28, 2022
(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, november 2, 9, and 16, 2022)
Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of French Lake Township, County of Wright, State Of Minnesota, of the following election: The Public Accuracy Test of the election equipment DS200 counter and Omniballet, assisted voting device, which will be used during the election will be held on November 1st, 2022 immediately following the November Township meeting at 7:00 pm at the French Lake Township Hall. The purpose of this testing is to ascertain that the equipment will correctly tabulate the votes cast for all races and candidates. The public is invited to attend. General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Voting will take place at the French Lake Township located at 3133 County Road 3 NW, Annandale, MN. If you require an absentee ballot, please contact the Wright County Auditor’s Office. The polls will be open from Seven (7) o’clock a.m. to Eight (8) o’clock p.m.
The following is the notice of federal, state and county offices that will be voted for at the state general election to be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Governor of Minnesota, Minnesota Secretary of State, U.S. House Minnesota District 6, Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota, Attorney General of Minnesota, Minnesota State Auditor, Minnesota Court of Appeals, MinnesotaSupreme Court, Minnesota State Senate District 29, and Minnesota House of Representatives District 29A. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Township Clerk at FrenchLakeTwpClerk@outlook.com. Thank you.
Breanna Chapman
French Lake Township Clerk
(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, october 12, 19 and november 2, 2022)