Annandale Public
School District 876
Regular Meeting of the School Board –
February 27, 2023 at 7:00 pm
1. Jones called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm
2. Board members present: Jon Scheer, Katie Jones, Melissa Muehring-Paulson, Jennifer Mealey, Paul Zabinski and Gena Jacobson. Student Representative: Molly Klippenes. Absent: Student Representative: Atalie Druga.
3. Mealey moved to approve the agenda. Jacobson seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
4. Committee Reports
5. Community Comment/Concerns: None
6. Scheer moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Mealey seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
A. Approval of meeting minutes from the January 23, 2023 Regular Board Meeting
B. Approval of the February check register
C. Acceptance of February donations
Annandale Lion’s Club $50,000 AES Playground Project
Annandale Lion’s Club $14,000 Scholarship Fund 23-24
Annandale Lion’s Club $3,000 Robotics Activity Fund
Annandale Lion’s Club $500 Annandale Symposium
Annandale Lion’s Club $540 Robotics Activity Fund
Annandale Lion’s Club $465 Jordan Family Scholarship Fund
Annandale Lion’s Club $580 Robotics Activity Fund
Annandale Lion’s Club $645 Jordan Family Scholarship Fund
Kindra Liebhard/Grey Duck Printing $366 Kindergarten T Shirts
Running Tangents LLC1 $350 Food Bag Program
Gary & Lana Fabel $150 The “Nest” AES Book Vending Machine
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) $500 Staff Meal
Gretchen & Scott Quiggle $50 AES Angel Fund
Maggie & Curtis Nilson Four brand new TI-84 Plus CE Calculators AHS Math Department
Truck Mate Toppers $150 Robotics Activity Fund
Petty Brothers Meats Inc $3,000 Robotics Activity Fund
David Burd State Farm Agency $100 Robotics Activity Fund
HSI $500 Robotics Activity Fund
Lundeen Bros, Inc $200 Robotics Activity Fund
Kimball Firemen’s Relief Association $1,691.46 Alpine Ski Activity Fund
Angelique Goulet $250 The “Nest” AES Book Vending Machine
Annandale Veterinary Clinic, PA $1,500 Robotics Activity Fund
Mary Iverson $50 Cardinal Cupboard
St. John’s Lutheran Church $400 Cardinal Cupboard
D. Approval of 22-23 Extra Duty Assignments
a. Alison Helget – 9th Grade Softball Coach
b. Brittany Clemence – Softball 7th Grade Coach
c. Pete Edmonson – Softball 8th Grade Coach
d. Troy Dircks – Baseball 8th Grade Coach
E. Approval of Leave(s) of Absence
F. Approval of Retirement(s)
a. Rebecca Stromme – 3rd Grade Teacher – Elementary School
G. Approval of Resignation(s)
7. Unfinished Business Information
A. Enrollment projections for 2022-23
B. District Enrollment Summary
8. New Business
A. Mealey moved to approve the High School Arts Field Trip to New York fall of 2023 requested by Mike Sellheim and Jennifer Kulm. Jacobson seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
B. Review of Special Education Child Count
1. Annandale Special Education Percentage
2. Early Childhood Data
3. Resident District Child Count
C. Achievement Integration Information Review
1. 2024-2026 Achievement Integration Plan for Annandale Schools
2. Scheer moved to approve the Achievement Integration Budget in the amount of $139,447.97. Zabinski seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
D. Mealey moved to approve the Annandale Activities Marketing Plan. Jacobson seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
E. Mealey moved to approve the New Stadium Scoreboard. Scheer seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
F. Discuss possible sale of:
1. Cardinal Kingdom Playground
2. Old Scoreboard
G. Mealey moved to approve the Annual Compliance/Vote of Concurrence or Nonconcurrence from the American Indian Parent Advisory Committee (AIPAC). Scheer seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
H. Scheer moved to approve the hiring of a high school FACS teacher. Zabinski seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
I. Jacobson moved to approve the following 22-23 contracts. Scheer seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
1. Erin Ehlert – Long-term Cross Categorical ABS Special Education Teacher – High School
J. Mealey moved to approve the following 22-23 Work Assignments. Jacobson seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
1. Ruth Danuser – Paraprofessional – Elementary School
2. Jan Gunderson – Paraprofessional – High School
3. Mark Leinonen – Head Custodian – Middle School
K. Consider second reading of Policy 499 Staff Recognition Program
L. Jacobson moved to approve the following policies in the review cycle. Mealey seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
1. 410 Family and Medical Leave Policy (Mandatory annual review-changes highlighted)
2. 423 Employees-Student Relationships (3 year review-minor changes highlighted)
3. 424 License Status (3 year review-minor change highlighted)
4. 427 Workload Limits for Certain Special Education Teachers (3 year review-minor changes highlighted)
9. Information Items
A. The next monthly meeting will be at the Annandale Elementary School on Monday, March 27, 2023 at 7:00 pm held in person in the media center.
10. Mealey made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 pm. Jacobson seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
A full copy of the Minutes of the School Board Meeting are available in the ISD 876 District office.
(published in the annandale advocate, wednesday, april 5, 2023)
Court File No. 86-PR-23-1430
Estate of Barbara J.
Wiegand, Decedent
Notice is given that on 5/8/2023, at 1:30, a remote hearing will be held in this Court at 3700 Braddock Avenue NE, Buffalo, Minnesota, for the formal probate of an instrument purporting to be the Will of the Decedent dated, April 3, 2006, (“Will”), and for the appointment of Wendy L. Douglas as Personal Representative of the Estate of the Decedent in an UNSUPERVISED administration.
Any objections to the petition must be filed with the Court prior to or raised at the hearing. If proper and if no objections are filed or raised, the Personal Representative will be appointed with full power to administer the Estate including the power to collect all assets, to pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and expenses, to sell real and personal property, and to do all necessary acts for the Estate.
Notice is also given that (subject to Minnesota Statutes section 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the Personal Representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred.
Dated: 03/28/23
Sarah Conzet
Court Administrator, Deputy
Attorney for Petitioner
Sheldon R. Brown
Young & Brown, LLC
63 Oak Avenue S, P.O. Box 859
Annandale, MN, 55302
Attorney License No: 12154
Telephone: (320) 274-8221
FAX: (320) 274-3476
Email: brown@annandalelaw.com
(published in the annandale advocate, wednesday, april 5 and 12, 2023)
Assumed Name: Annandale Laser Tag
Principal Place of Business: 6938 107th Street NW Maple Lake MN 55358 USA
Nameholder(s): Name: Annandale Paintball, LLC Address: 6938 107th Street NW Maple Lake MN 55358 USA
By typing my name, I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath.
Signed by: Stephen C. Grundy
Filed: May 30, 2023
(published in the annandale advocate, wednesday, april 5 and 12, 2023)
The Cedar Lake Conservation Club (CLCC) plans to treat curly leaf pondweed and eurasian water milfoil, both aquatic invasive species/nuisance species, in Cedar Lake in 2023. Additionally, if starry stonewort, an aquatic invasive species, is discovered, treatment will be conducted.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is planning to provide to the CLCC a waiver of the requirements that the Association obtain signatures of approval by owners of lakeshore property. Instead, the CLCC will notify property owners of the treatment through the:
n CLCC newsletter which is mailed to all residents of Cedar Lake.
n CLCC website www.cedarlakecc.org.
n Annandale Advocate and Maple Lake Messenger (local weekly newspapers).
With regard to 2023 treatment:
n The proposed timeline for treatment is May – October.
n The target species for the treatment is curly leaf pondweed (CLP), eurasian water milfoil (EWM), and starry stonewort (SSW) if discovered.
n The products being used are aquatic herbicides and/or harvesting methods appropriate to control CLP and EWM, and SSW if discovered. Chemicals that are anticipated to be used are: CLP-diquat, EWM-ProcellaCOR, SSW (if discovered)-copper sulfate.
n If the landowner does NOT want treatment to occur adjacent to the landowner’s property:
By April 15, 2023, fill out the form below and notify Kathy Jonsrud at the following address, phone number or email address:
Cedar Lake Conservation Club
7646 Isaak Ave NW
Annandale, MN 55302
E-mail: kjonsrud@yahoo.com
Phone: 320-293-6678
Cedar Lake Conservation Club Board of Directors
CLCC-Herbicide Refusal Form 2023
(published in the annandale advocate, wednesday, april 5, 2023)
Court File No. 86-PR-23-1444
Estate of Roslyn Claire
Hannula, Decedent
Notice is given that on 5/1/2023 at 1:30 pm a remote hearing will be held in this Court at 3700 Braddock Avenue NE, Buffalo, Minnesota, for the formal probate of an instrument purporting to be the Will of the Decedent dated, June 4,1981, (“Will”), and for the appointment of Lori J. Hannula as Personal Representative of the Estate of the Decedent in an UNSUPERVISED administration. Any objections to the petition must be filed with the Court prior to or raised at the hearing. If proper and if no objections are filed or raised, the Personal Representative will be appointed with full power to administer the Estate including the power to collect all assets, to pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and expenses, to sell real and personal property, and to do all necessary acts for the Estate.
Notice is also given that (subject to Minnesota Statutes section 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the Personal Representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred.
Dated 3/20/23
Sarah Conzet,
Court Administrator, Deputy
Attorney for Petitioner
Sheldon R. Brown
Young & Brown, LLC
63 Oak Avenue S, P.O. Box 859
Annandale, MN, 55302
Attorney License No: 12154
Telephone: (320) 274-8221
FAX: (320) 274-3476
Email: brown@annandalelaw.com
(published in the annandale advocate,wednesday, march 29 and April 5, 2023)
Southside Township Board of APPEAL
Notice is hereby given that the local Board of Appeal and Equalization for Township of Southside of Wright County, Minnesota will meet at the Office of the Clerk in said Township at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday the 11th day of April, 2023.
If you believe the value or classification of your property is incorrect, please contact your assessor’s office to discuss your concerns. If you disagree with the valuation or classification after discussing it with your assessor, you may appear before the local board of appeal and equalization. The board will review your assessments and may make corrections as needed. Generally, you must appeal to the local board before appealing to the county board of appeal and equalization.
Carmen Merrill
Clerk & Treasurer
Southside Township
(published in the annandale advocate, wednesday, march 29 and april 5, 2023)
Notice of Special Meetings of the French Lake Township Council
Wright County, Minnesota
Tuesday, April 18, 2023 8:00 AM & 1:00 PM
Notice is hereby given that the French Lake Township Board will meet on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, beginning at 8:00 AM at the French Lake Township Hall and continuing around French Lake Township for the annual road review. The purpose of this meeting is to survey the Township roads and determine necessary improvements. Action may be taken.
Notice is hereby given that the French Lake Township Board will meet on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, beginning at 1:00 PM at the French Lake Township Hall for the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meeting. If you believe the value or classification of your property is incorrect, please contact your assessor’s office to discuss your concerns PRIOR to this meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to allow residents the opportunity to appeal current tax assessments. Action may be taken.
Breanna Chapman
Clerk of the Township of French Lake
(published in the annandale advocate, wednesday, march 22, april 5 and 12, 2023)