CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The City Council of Annandale, Minnesota met for a regular meeting on September 11, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Jonas called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
City Council Present: Jonas, Wuollet, Honsey, Grundy, Czycalla. City Council members absent: None. Also, present were Administrator Hinnenkamp, Public Works Director Joe Haller, Assistant City Engineer Nick Peterson, Fire Chief Townsend, Police Chief Standafer, Caden Schwarzkopf and the Annandale Advocate.
SET AGENDA: The following items were added to the agenda: Item D under New Business, Manhole Repairs, Item E under New Business Purchase of Argo. Hinnenkamp noted Item G under Consent was removed from the agenda. A motion was made by Wuollet and seconded by Honsey to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried unanimously.
All motions are approved unanimously unless otherwise noted.
MINUTES: Hinnenkamp presented an amendment to the August 14, 2023 minutes to clarify the language of the Removed Consent Item J- Concept Plan for Apartment Project. Grundy requested an amendment for the August 14, 2023 minutes that the approval of the Up Lighting Project was contingent upon Joe’s review of the electrical. A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to approve the minutes from August 14, 2023 and September 1, 2023.
VISITORS: Greg Roth- Insurance Agent- Roth presented the Insurance renewal for the City’s
Comprehensive and Liability Insurance policy. After reviewing the information, A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Wuollet to approve the renewal with increasing the City’s deductible to $5000 and to not include coverage for the property owned at 20 Oak Avenue S. A motion was also made by Grundy and seconded by Czycalla to not waive the tort liability limits.
OPEN FORUM: Resident Marjorie Cash inquired about the project proposed by Bruggemann near the Pintail Ponds development. Cash questioned the need for the rezoning and the extension of the road. Staff informed Cash that when this application is submitted for review with the Planning Commission she would be informed.
A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
A. Approve Auditing Claims
B. Approve Departments Reports
C. Approve Special Events
D. ApproveAppointmentofFireFighter
E. ApproveSt.IgnatiusLawfulGamblingApplication/TempLiquorLicense
F. ApproveResolution23-47 Declaring Costs to be Assessedfor Hemlock Improvements, 23-48 Declaring Costs to be Assessed Lake John Utility Extension and Resolutions 23-49 Calling Hearing on Proposed Assessments for Delinquent Accounts, 23-50 Calling a Hearing on the Proposed Assessments for Hemlock Improvements and 23-51 Calling Public Hearing0 Lake John Utility Extension.
G. Approve Pay Applications
H. Approve Resolution 23-52 and 23-53Approving CUP and Site Plan- Bronder
I. Approve Resolution 23-54 Accepting Donations
Request for Rachel Development- Council reviewed the updated information presented by the City Engineer. A motion was made by Grundy and seconded by Czycalla to take no action on the matter.
Ordinance Regulating Cannabis- Council reviewed the proposed ordinance. This item was tabled to the October 2nd meeting.
Resolution 23-55 Approving Preliminary Levy, Resolution 23-56 Abating Tax Levy and Calling TNT Hearing- Mayor Jonas requested that this item is tabled and a special meeting is called for September 27, 2023 at 8:30am.
Controlled Burn- St. Johns Parsonage- Chief Townsend informed the Council of the proposed burn for 9/30 with 10/1 as the backup day.
Manhole Repairs- Haller informed the Council of the required Manhole repairs to be completed on Pleasant Ave N in the amount of $5503. A motion was made by Wuollet and seconded by Grundy to approve the quote from Hiperline in the amount of $5503 to complete the manhole repairs.
Argo Purchase- A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Czycalla to purchase an Argo from the Fire Department using Lawful Gambling Funds in the amount of $41,300.65. The motion was approved on a 4-0-1 vote with Jonas abstaining.
Moved by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:41pm
Shelly Jonas, Mayor
Kelly Hinnenkamp, City Administrator
CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The City Council of Annandale, Minnesota met for a special meeting on September 27, 2023 at 8:30 am at the Annandale Council Chambers. Mayor Jonas called the meeting to order at 8:30 am.
City Council Present: Wuollet, Czycalla, Honsey, Grundy and Jonas. City Council members absent: None Also, present were Administrator Hinnenkamp, Chief Standafer.
A motion was made by Wuollet and seconded by Honsey to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
All motions are approved unanimously by roll call unless otherwise noted.
Review Pay Scales- After reviewing the proposed pay scale adjustments, a motion was made by Wuollet and seconded by Grundy to approve the recommended pay scale adjustments and adjustments to the Police Wages as presented.
Resolution 23-55 Abating Levies and 23-56 Adopting 2024 Preliminary Levy- council reviewed the 2024 Budget. A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to approve Resolution 23-55 Abating Levies and 23-56 Adopting 2024 Preliminary Levy as presented and call the TNT Hearing for December 11, 2023 at 6:30pm.
Termination of Development Agreement- Pintail Ponds Apartments- A motion was made by Wuollet and seconded by Grundy to approve the Termination of Development Agreement for Pintail Ponds Apartments as presented.
Motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:43pm
Kelly Hinnenkamp, City Administrator
Shelly Jonas, Mayor
CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The City Council of Annandale, Minnesota met for an Emergency Meeting on September 29, 2023 at 8:30 am at the Annandale Council Chambers. Mayor Jonas called the meeting to order at 8:30 am.
City Council Present: Wuollet, Czycalla via zoom, Honsey, Grundy and Jonas. City Council members absent: None Also, present were Administrator Hinnenkamp, Tom Westman.
A motion was made by Wuollet and seconded by Honsey to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
All motions are approved unanimously by roll call unless otherwise noted.
Resolution 23-55 Abating Levies and 23-56 Adopting 2024 Preliminary Levy- Hinnenkamp informed Council of the error in the calculation of the levy percentage increase presented at the September 27, 2023 meeting. After reviewing the information, a motion was made by Wuollet and seconded by Honsey to amend Resolution 23-56 Adopting 2024 Preliminary Levy to include a final levy amount of 1,782,223.
Motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Wuollet to adjourn the meeting.
Kelly Hinnenkamp, City Administrator
Shelly Jonas, Mayor
CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The City Council of Annandale, Minnesota met for a regular meeting on October 2, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Jonas called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
City Council Present: Jonas, Honsey, Grundy, Czycalla. City Council members absent: Wuollet. Also, present were Administrator Hinnenkamp, Public Works Director Joe Haller, Assistant City Engineer Nick Peterson, Police Chief Pete Standafer, Don Williamson and Jeff Bertram with West Central Sanitation, Deb Gatz with Republic Sanitation and the Annandale Advocate.
SET AGENDA: Staff requested the following item added under New Business- Item E. Purchase of Radios. A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Grundy to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried unanimously.
All motions are approved unanimously unless otherwise noted.
Refuse RFP- The Council heard from West Central Sanitation and Republic Sanitation. After
reviewing the proposals, a motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Grundy to approve the proposal submitted by West Central Sanitation.
Resolution 23-57 Certifying Delinquent Accounts- Mayor Jonas opened the public hearing at 6:46pm. After hearing no public input, the hearing was closed. A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to approve Resolution 23-57 Certifying Delinquent Accounts as presented.
Resolution 23-58 Certifying Assessments for Hemlock Improvement Project- Mayor Jonas opened the public hearing at 6:49pm. After hearing no public input, the hearing was closed. A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Grundy to approve Resolution 23-58 Certifying Assessments for Hemlock Improvement Project as presented.
Resolution 23-59 Certifying Assessments for Lake John Utility Extension- Mayor Jonas opened the public hearing at 6:50pm. After hearing no public input, the hearing was closed. A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to approve Resolution 23-59 Certifying Assessments for Lake John Utility Extension as presented.
Michale McChesney- Michael informed the Council he lives within the patio home portion of the Southbrook Development and they would like to request the City consider clearing snow from the cart paths in Southbrook. The Council directed Staff to look into this request further and report back at the next meeting.
A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Czycalla, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
A. ApproveAuditingClaims
B. Approve Departments Reports
C. Approve Special Events
D. Approve Resolution 23- 60 PERA- Officer Lisic
E. ApproveClosureofOakAve-ChamberHalloweenEvent F. Approve Employment Anniversaries
G. Approve Pay App- Lake John Utility Extension
Review Ordinance Regulating Cannabis- Council reviewed the ordinance. Requested staff look into modifications to address signage for the businesses related to cannabis sales and to have the penalty fees be consistent with Liquor License penalty fees.
Resolution 23-61 Approving Plans and Specifications- Water Tower Reconditioning Project- A motion was made y Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to approve Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement of Bids.
Review Lake John Utilities Extension- Hinnenkamp informed Council that the City has been receiving calls from residents along the east side of Lake John regarding connecting to city services. Asst Engineer Nick Peterson Presented information related to the extension of the utilizes to serve properties along Lake John. The Council directed staff to work on gauging interest and the City can discuss at a future meeting.
Tree Grinding Proposal- Sylvester Custom Grinding- a motion was made by Grundy and seconded by Honey to accept the proposal with Sylvester Custom Grinding to grind and haul away debris from the City’s Compost site as presented.
Purchase of Radio- Chief Standafer presented a quote from Motorola Solutions to purchase radios required with the new encrypted network at the County level. The total cost of the radios is $78,372.74. Staff is recommending using the one-time police aid provided to purchase these radios and the remaining funds to be transferred into the Police Capital Fund. The total aid received was $148,212.
Moved by Honsey and seconded by Grundy to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:37pm
Shelly Jonas, Mayor
CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The City Council of Annandale, Minnesota met for a special meeting on October 5, 2023 at 8:30 am at the Annandale Council Chambers. Mayor Jonas called the meeting to order at 8:30 am.
City Council Present: Wuollet, Czycalla, Honsey, Grundy and Jonas. City Council members absent: None Also, present were Administrator Hinnenkamp, Community Development Director Jacob Thunander and Brian Dingmann.
AGENDA- A motion was made by Wuollet and seconded by Czycalla to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
All motions are approved unanimously by roll call unless otherwise noted.
Resolution 23-62 Vacation of Drainage and Utility Easements within Lot 1, Block 1 of Millers Oak Ridge. Mayor Jonas opened the public hearing. After hearing no public input, the public hearing was closed. A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to approve Resolution 23-62 Vacating Easements as presented.
Resolution 23-63 Approving Preliminary and Final Plat and Resolution 23-64 Approving Conditional Use Permit and Variance For Brian and Dana Dingmann at 625 Pleasant Avenue North- The Council reviewee the proposal. A motion was made by Wuollet and seconded by Grundy to approve the Resolutions as presented and to allow the height of the garage no taller then the house.
Consideration to Authorize an Extension of Final Plat Filing- A motion was made by Wuollet and seconded by Honsey to extend the requirement of filing the Final Plat for Pintail Ponds Plat 3 until 12/31/2024 as presented.
Consideration of Entering into Letter of Intent for Sale of Business Park Property- Staffpresented the letter of intent to Council to sell property to LEI for the construction of a new commercial building. A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to approve the Letter of Intent as presented.
Health Insurance Renewal- staff presented the health insurance renewal. A motion was made by Grundy and seconded by Wuollet to approve the renewal as presented.
Motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9am.
Kelly Hinnenkamp,
City Administrator
Shelly Jonas,
(published in the annandale advocate, wednesday, november 29, 2023)
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Annandale will meet in the council chambers of the Annandale City Hall, 30 Cedar Court, at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, December 11, 2023, to consider making improvements on:
Highland Street from approximately 200 feet east of Florence Avenue to Excelsior Avenue, Brown Avenue from Harrison Street to Knollwood Street, Willow Drive, and Willow Circle by the construction of watermain, sewer and water services, concrete curb and gutter, storm sewer, pavement and lining of the sewer main, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, sections 429.011 to 429.111. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvements consists of all properties abutting the improvements. The estimated cost of the improvements is $3,955,800.00. A reasonable estimate of the impact of the assessment will be available at the hearing. Such persons desiring to be heard with reference to the proposed improvements will be heard at this meeting.
Kelly Hinnenkamp,
City Administrator
(published in the annandale advocate, wednesday, november 22 and 29, 2023
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Corinna Township Planning Commission/Board of Adjustment will convene on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, beginning at 7:00 PM at Corinna Town Hall, 9801 Ireland Ave, Annandale to conduct the following public hearing(s):
Any tabled items from previous meetings that have provided the required information.
Requests related to the construction of a detached garage. Approvals required include a Variance to construct a 20′ x 28′ detached single-story garage approximately 53 feet from the ordinary high water level of Indian Lake (min. 100 ft required). Applicant/Property Owner: John and Victoria Skoog. Property address: 10798 Gulden Ave NW, Maple Lake. Sect-Twp-Range: 12-121-27. Parcel number(s): 206049000050.
Measurements and details of requests, including variances or other approvals needed, are approximate and/or subject to change. All interested persons are invited to attend these hearings and be heard or send written comments to Corinna Township Zoning Administrator, 9801 Ireland Ave, Annandale MN 55302. Application information and a staff report are available for viewing at www.hometownplanning.com (staff report typically 5-7 days prior to the hearing date). A quorum of the Town Board may be present at the meeting but will not hold deliberations or make any decisions.
Corinna Township Planning Commission/Board of Adjustment
Dated: November 22, 2023
(published in the annandale advocate, wednesday, november 29, 2023)
Notice is hereby given that the Annandale City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, December 11, 2023 6:30 PM or as soon thereafter as possible, at City Hall, 30 Cedar Street East to consider amendments to the Annandale Fee Schedule. All interested persons will be heard at this meeting, or you can send your written comments to the City Clerk’s office in advance of the hearing. Written or oral comments will be considered at the hearing.
(published in the annandale advocate, wednesday, november 29, 2023)
Sealed bids will be received until 3:00 p.m. Friday, December 1, 2023 at Clerk’s home, 1208 Lakeview Pkwy, Buffalo, MN for material and work to be done on township roads for 2024.
Bids may also be emailed to: cmerrill@southsidetownship.com
Equipment rental by the hour.
Grading and snowplowing township roads by a motor grader up to 130-horsepower.
Plowing snow with a truck.
Cat/D8 or equivalent with dozer or scraper. – Please state size of scraper.
Cad. D6 or equivalent with dozer or scraper. – Please state size of scraper.
Bobcat work; backhoe work; 4 wheel drive loader – please state size.
Sanding icy roads – Please state amount for sand and truck.
Monthly minimum flat rate fee – November – April -if monthly plowing and maintenance work does not exceed minimum set the balance will be paid as a flat rate to meet the minimum flat rate fee.
Class 5 crushed gravel – Please state price per yard spread.
Pit run gravel – Please state price per yard spread.
Fill for washouts – Please state price per yard spread.
Chainsaw work, brush cutting and removal – Price per hour.
Bidders must show proof of insurance not less than $500,000.
Southside Township reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Bids will be opened December 5, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.
Carmen Merrill, Clerk/Treasurer
Southside Township
(published in the annandale advocate, wednesday, november 15, 22 and 29, 2023