CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The City Council of Annandale, Minnesota met for a regular meeting on November 13, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Jonas called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
City Council Present: Jonas, Honsey, Grundy, Czycalla, Wuollet. City Council members absent None. Also, present were Administrator Hinnenkamp, Public Works Director Joe Haller, Assistant City Engineer Nick Peterson, Police Chief Pete Standafer, Planner Nate Sparks, Dennis Cornelius, Brian Bruggemann, Perry Ryan and the Annandale Advocate.
SET AGENDA: Staff requested the following item added under New Business- Item 9H- Notice of Engfer Retirement. A motion was made by Wuollet and seconded by Czycalla to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried unanimously.
All motions are approved unanimously unless otherwise noted.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Grundy to approve the minutes of September 11th, September 27th, September 29th, October 2nd and October 5th meetings as presented.
Resolution 23-65 Adopting Special Assessments Delinquent Accounts: Mayor Jonas opened
the public hearing. After hearing no public input, Jonas closed the hearing. A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Wuollet to approve Resolution 23.65 as presented. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Honsey, Czycalla, Wuollet, Grundy, Jonas. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Resolution 23-65 adopted on a 5-aye, 0-nay, 0-absent, 0-abstain vote.
Council removed items T and U from the consent agenda for additional discussion. A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Czycalla, to approve the Consent Agenda as amended.
A. ApproveAuditingClaims
B. Approve Departments Reports
C. Approve Employment Anniversaries
D. Approve Special Events
E. Approve Resolution PERA- Officer Berkowitz
F. Approve Pay Apps
G. Approve Lawful Gambling Application- All Night Grad and St. Johns Church
H. Approve Fund Transfers
I. Approve Farm Lease
J. Approve Grant Agreement- MN DEED
K. Appoint Fire Fighter
L. Approve Donations
M. Approve Personnel Policy Amendments
N. Approve Police PT Wages
O. Call Hearing for Fee Amendment Consideration
P. Approve Catholic Charities Site Use Agreement
Q. Approve Resolution Approving Liquor License- Expanse R. Approve Renewal of Planning and Park Commission Terms S. Approve Ordinance Amendment- Park Commission
T. ReviewConceptPlan-ShoresofLakeJohn
U. ApproveOrdinanceRezoningProperty-Bruggeman
V. Approve Resolution State Appropriation Application
W. Approve Fire Relief Benefit
U. Approve Ordinance 410 Rezoning Property, Resolution 23-69 Approving Summary Ordinance, and Approving Easement Agreement – Bruggeman- Planner Nate Sparks presented the request for rezoning the property from an I-1 to R-5. Dennis Cornelius presented additional information on the request. The Council heard from the following members of the public:
Janet Andersen, 35 Knollwood. Andersen expressed concerned with traffic and the height of the building.
Rod Andersen, 35 Knollwood. Expressed concern with the height of the building.
James Gunnarson, 11 Willow Drive. Stated he didn’t feel like there was enough land for the project.
Andy Frei, Myrtle Dr S. Commented that there is foot traffic from Ash to main street. He said he would be more open to R-4 zoning.
Council discussed the proposed density with the new rezoning and discussed the need for a traffic study can be discussed when the applicant requests site plan approval. A motion was made by Jonas and seconded by Wuollet to approve Ordinance 410 Rezoning the property, Resolution 23-69 Adoption Summary Ordinance and approving the Easement Agreement as presented.
V. Approve Resolution State Appropriation Application- Nate Sparks presented the Concept Plan application for Shore of Lake John. Ryan presented additional information on the proposed concept. No Action was taken by Council. No additional comments or changes were made to the report as presented.
Ordinance 411 Regulating Cannabis- A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Grundy to approve Ordinance 411 as presented.
Resolution Accepting Preliminary Engineering Report and Calling a Public Hearing-
Highland Brown- Asst City Engineer Nick Peterson presented the report. A motion was made by Grundy and seconded by Wuollet to approve Resolution 23-71 Accepting the Report and Calling a Public Hearing for December 11, 2023. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Honsey, Czycalla, Wuollet, Grundy, Jonas. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Resolution 23-71 adopted on a 5-aye, 0-nay, 0- absent, 0-abstain vote.
Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Authorizing Advertisement of Bids for Pickleball Courts. Asst City Engineer Nick Peterson presented the Plans and Specifications. A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to approve Resolution 23-72 Approving
Plans and Specifications and Authorizing Advertisement of Bids. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Honsey, Czycalla, Wuollet, Grundy, Jonas. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Resolution 23-72 adopted on a 5-aye, 0-nay, 0-absent, 0-abstain vote.
Review Pedestrian Crossings for Highway 55- Asst City Engineer Nick Peterson presented the options for pedestrian crossings on Highway 55 at Oak Avenue and Poplar Avene. A motion was made by Wuollet and seconded by Grundy to direct Bolton and Menk to develop plans and discuss improvement with MnDot.
Review Proposal for GIS- A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to approve the proposal from Bolton and Menk for the implementation of GIS as presented.
Review Proposals for New Website- Hinnenkamp informed Council of the proposed changes to the City’s current contract that will go in effect on 5-1-24. The cost increase is going from $600 annually to approximately $5000 annually. Council reviewed the options provided in the report. A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Czycalla to approve the Ultimate Design Option with Civic Plus for the new website.
Review Snow Removal of Cart Paths in Southbrook- Council discussed the request for the city removal of snow from the Cart Paths in Southbrook. Haller informed Council of the required equipment and man hours associated with the snow removal. Haller informed Council, the only sidewalks cleared are Council approved. A motion was made by Jonas and seconded by Grundy to direct staff to require at least a 6’ wide pathway on the Cart Paths be cleared by the adjacent property owner.
Purchase of Payloader- Haller presented quotes to complete repairs for a used payloader purchased from the Federal Surplus site. The payloader cost $14,790. The total expense after completing estimated repairs is $64,079. The current estimated market value of a similar loader is valued at $140,000. Haller informed Council the loader was scheduled for replacement in upcoming years and we are not able to adjust the capital schedule with a lower cost. A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Wuollet to approve the quotes from Little Falls Machine Inc and RDO Equipment as presented.
Notice of Retirement- Engfer- A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Wuollet to approve the retirement of Nancy Engfer.
Mayor Jonas stated that we are looking at scheduling a joint City/School meeting.
Police Chief Standafer presented concerns with the intersection of Florence and Knollwood. He recommended making this intersection a 4-way stop with the completion of Florence. A motion was made by Wuollet and seconded by Grundy to approve a 4-way stop at Knollwood and Florence.
Moved by Honsey and seconded by Czycalla to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45pm.
Kelly Hinnenkamp, City Administrator
Shelly Jonas, Mayor
CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: The City Council of Annandale, Minnesota met for a regular meeting on December 11, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Jonas called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
City Council Present: Jonas, Honsey, Grundy, Czycalla, Wuollet. City Council members absent None. Also, present were Administrator Hinnenkamp, Community Development Director Jacob Thunander, Public Works Director Joe Haller, Assistant City Engineer Nick Peterson, Police Chief Pete Standafer, Fire Chief Kris Townsend, members of the public and the Annandale Advocate.
SET AGENDA: Staff requested the following item added under Consent- Item M, Lawful Gambling Application. A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Czycalla to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried unanimously.
All motions are approved unanimously unless otherwise noted.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to approve the minutes of November 13, 2023 meeting as presented.
2024 Improvement Project Hearing- Resolution 23-73 Ordering Improvement and Authorizing Plans and Specifications- Asst City Engineer Nick Peterson presented the report. Mayor Jonas opened the Hearing. The following individuals provided comment:
• Laura Cheney- 250 Highland Street. Expressed concern with the amount of the assessment and with the snow removal of the new sidewalk. She expressed concern with the grade and inquired about the mailboxes.
• Lisa Tri- 12 Willow Drive- Inquired about how the end of the street would be handled. Peterson said the improvements would go back to the way they exist today. She asked about the assessment process. She requested the Council consider a dead-end sign. She questioned the water improvements and whether it would include the service lines. Peterson explained the service lines are replaced to the property lines.
• Bill McGinnis- 301 Highland Street- Asked when the first payment would be due. Hinnenkamp explained the assessment timeline would likely be due in payable of 2025.
• Robb Mills- 301 Harrison Street. Asked about the sewer/water assessment if it applied.
• Clint Olson- 35 Willow Dr W- Inquired about the assessment to Bruggemann property.
• 411 Highland Street- Commented on the heavy equipment from the Triplett Farms work.
Mayor Jonas closed the hearing at 7:05pm. A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Honsey to approve Resolution 23-73 as presented. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Honsey, Czycalla, Wuollet, Grundy, Jonas. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Resolution 23-73 adopted on a 5-aye, 0- nay, 0-absent, 0-abstain vote.
Resolution 23-74 Adopting 2024 Budget for Levy for Taxes Payable 2024- Mayor Jonas opened the hearing at 7:06pm. After hearing no input from the public, the meeting was reopened.
A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Wuollet to approve Resolution 23-74 as presented. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Honsey, Czycalla, Wuollet, Grundy, Jonas. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. Resolution 23-73 adopted on a 5-aye, 0-nay, 0-absent, 0-abstain vote.
Ordinance 413 Adopting Fee Amendments- Mayor Jonas opened the public hearing at 7:08pm. After hearing no input from the public, Mayor Jonas closed the public hearing. Hinnenkamp recommended the THC Fee be changed to $250. A motion was made by Czycalla and seconded by Wuollet to adopt Ordinance 413 as amended.
Resident Quandt- Council Acknowledged input.
Best Buds of Annandale- Provided a presentation regarding their interest in amending the zoning to reduce the setback to a school and park. The Council reviewed the information and stated they needed more information to make a decision.
Council removed items G the consent agenda for additional discussion. A motion was made by Grundy and seconded by Honsey, to approve the Consent Agenda as amended.
A. ApproveAuditingClaims
B. Approve Departments Reports
C. ApproveReplacementofCarpet-Library
D. Approve Resolution 23-75 Summary Ordinance- Park Commission
E. ApproveResolution23-76SummaryOrdinance-Cannabis
F. Approve Resolution 23-77 Approving Tobacco License
G. Approve 2024 Meeting Dates
H. Approve Board of Review Date
I. Approve Door Replacement- Water Treatment Plant
J. Approve Combination of City Parcels
K. ApproveAppointmentofFirefighterHuikko
L. Lake John Utility Extension Pay App
A. Approve 2024 Meeting Dates- amended to move January meeting to 1/16/24, Change the March/August PZ Meetings due to the elections and move November meeting to 11/12/24 due to Veteran’s Day. A motion as made by Honsey and seconded by Czycalla to approve the Meetings dates as amended.
Review proposed Ordinance 414 regulating Housing Maintenance- Thunander presented the
report. The council directed staff to work with a committee- Jonas and Czycalla and bring them back for future consideration.
Review Ordinance 415 Amendment- Regulation of Animals- A motion was made by Grundy and seconded by Wuollet to adopt Ordinance 415 as presented.
Consider Annexation Petition- Shores of Lake John- A motion was made by Honsey and seconded by Czycalla to accept the petition as presented. Staff will meet with Southside Township.
Purchase Agreement with LEI- A motion was made by Grundy and seconded by Honsey to approve the purchase agreement with LEI as presented.
Grundy asked about the lights downtown at the crosswalks. Haller said he would look into it. Czycalla asked about the letters to Southbrook. Staff provided an update.
Grundy asked about the next phase of the Business Park.
Moved by Honsey and seconded by Grundy to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:48pm.
Kelly Hinnenkamp, City Administrator
(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, january 24, 2024)
Court File No. 86-PR-24-186
Estate of Donald O. Roisum, Decedent
Notice is given that on 2/22/24, at 9:00, a hearing will be held remotely via Zoom in this Court at Buffalo, Minnesota, for the formal probate of an instrument purporting to be the Will of the Decedent dated, March 4, 1986, (“Will”), and for the appointment of Scott D. Roisum as Personal Representative of the Estate of the Decedent in an UNSUPERVISED administration. Any objections to the petition must be filed with the Court prior to or raised at the hearing. If proper and if no objections are filed or raised, the Personal Representative will be appointed with full power to administer the Estate including the power to collect all assets, to pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and expenses, to sell real and personal property, and to do all necessary acts for the Estate. Please contact Wright County Court Administration at 763-682-7639 for instructions for appearing remotely.
Notice is also given that (subject to Minnesota Statutes section 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the Personal Representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred.
Dated 01/11/24
Sarah Conzet,
District Court Deputy
Attorney for Petitioner
Sheldon R. Brown
Young & Brown, LLC
63 Oak Ave. S PO Box 859
Annandale, MN, 55302
Attorney License No: 12154
Telephone: (320 274-8221
FAX: (320) 274-3476
Email: brown@annandalelaw.com
(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, january 17 and 24, 2024)
Assumed Name: WIllow
Principal Place of Business: 40 Oak Ave. South, Annandale, MN 55302
Nameholder(s): Name: Anna Gravening Address: 7107 Hoyt Ave. NW, Maple Lake, MN 55358
By typing my name, I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath.
Signed by: Anna Gravening
Filed: November 28, 2023
(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, january 24 and 31, 2024)
Notice is hereby given, as required by Minnesota Law, starting January 24th and ending February 14th, 2024, of the intent to forfeit and sell by auction a Black enclosed 14 ft tandem axle trailer with a steel frame. The vin/serial numbers and factory markings were all removed prior to being impounded. This trailer will be auctioned online at Lampi Auctioneers 9141 64th St NW., Annandale, MN 555302. The trailer has been in the custody of the City of Annandale since 06/05/2020.
(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, january 24, 31 and february 7, 2024)
Notice is hereby given that the Regular Clearwater Town Board Meetings will be held the 2nd Wednesday of the month, unless noted, at 7:00 p.m., at the Clearwater Township Hall, 15015 State Hwy 24, Clearwater MN 55320.
Dates for 2024: January 10th; February 14th; Annual Meeting March 12th; March 13th; April 10th; May 8th; June 12th; July 10th;
August 14th; September 11th;
October 9th; November 13th;
December 11th.
(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, january 24, 2024)