NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization for CITY OF ANNANDALE of Wright County, Minnesota, will meet at the Office of the Clerk in said City, at 6:00PM, on Monday, the 8th day of April, 2024. The purpose of this meeting is to determine whether property in the jurisdiction has been properly valued and classified by the assessor.
If you believe the value or classification of your property is incorrect, please contact your assessor’s office to discuss your concerns. If you disagree with the valuation or classification after discussing it with your assessor, you may appear before the local board of appeal and equalization. The board will review your assessments and may make corrections as needed. Generally, you must appeal to the local board before appealing to the county board of appeal and equalization.
Given under my hand this 20th day of February 2024.
Kelly Hinnenkamp,
Clerk of the City of Annandale
(Published in the annandale advocate wednesday, February 28, 2024.)
Court File No.
Estate of Marie Celeste Veal a/k/a Marie C.
Veal, Decedent
Notice is given that on March 25, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., a hearing will be held remotely via Zoom in this Court at Buffalo, Minnesota, for the formal probate of an instrument purporting to be the Will of the Decedent dated, November 17, 2023, (“Will”), and for the appointment of Scott G. Veal as Personal Representative of the Estate of the Decedent in an UNSUPERVISED administration.
Any objections to the petition must be filed with the Court prior to or raised at the hearing. If proper and if no objections are filed or raised, the Personal Representative will be appointed with full power to administer the Estate including the power to collect all assets, to pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and expenses, to sell real and personal property, and to do all necessary acts for the Estate. Please contact Wright County Court Administration at 763-682-7639 for instructions for appearing remotely.
Notice is also given that (subject to Minnesota Statutes section 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the Personal Representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred.
February 9, 2024
Kristy Carlson,
District Court Deputy
Attorney for Petitioner
Sheldon R. Brown
Young & Brown, LLC
63 Oak Ave S P O Box 859
Annandale, MN, 55302
Attorney License No: 12154
Telephone: (320) 274-8221
FAX: (320) 274-3476
Email: brown@annandalelaw.com
(published in the annandale advocate on wednesday, february 21 and 28, 2024)
Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of French Lake Township, County of Wright, State Of Minnesota, of the following elections and meeting movements:
The regularly scheduled March township meeting has been moved from March 5, 2024 to February 29th, 2024 due to the Presidential Nomination Primary (PNP) election. The Public Accuracy Test of the ES&S AutoMARK, assisted voting device for the PNP election will be held on Thursday, February 29th, 2024 immediately after the moved March Township meeting at 7:00 pm at the French Lake Township Hall. The purpose of this testing is to ascertain that the equipment will correctly tabulate the votes cast for all races and candidates. The public is invited to attend. PNP Election will be held on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. Voting will take place at the French Lake Township located at 3133 County Road 3 NW, Annandale, MN. If you require an absentee ballot, please contact the Wright County Auditor’s Office. The polls will be open from Seven (7) o’clock a.m. to Eight (8) o’clock p.m.
Township Election will be held on Tuesday, March 12, 2024. A single, 3 year term supervisor role is on the ballot. Voting will take place at the French Lake Township located at 3133 County Road 3 NW, Annandale, MN. If you require an absentee ballot, please contact the Wright County Auditor’s Office. The polls will be open from Ten (10) o’clock a.m. to Eight (8) o’clock p.m. The French Lake Township Annual Town Meeting will take place following the close of the polls. The Public Accuracy Test of the ES&S AutoMARK, assisted voting device will be held on Thursday, March 7th, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the French Lake Township Hall for the township election.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Township Clerk at FrenchLakeTwpClerk@outlook.com.
(published in the annandale advocate on wednesday, february 21 and 28, 2024)
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Corinna Township Planning Commission/Board of Adjustment will convene on Thursday, March 14, 2024, beginning at 7:00 PM at Corinna Town Hall, 9801 Ireland Ave, Annandale to conduct the following public hearing(s):
Any tabled items from previous meetings that have provided the required information.
Requests related to the reconstruction of a dwelling. Approvals required include a Conditional Use Permit to move more than 50 cubic yards in a shoreland district (approx. 60 cu yds) and Variances to reconstruct a 24’ x 37’ dwelling with walkout basement approximately 20 feet from the ordinary high water level of Indian Lake (min. 100 ft required), an open deck approximately 10 feet from the lake, and a dwelling 2.9 and 3.8 feet from the side property lines (min. 15 ft required) on a parcel exceeding 60% impervious coverage (max. 25% allowed). Applicant/Property Owner: John and Victoria Skoog. Property address: 10806 Gulden Ave NW, Maple Lake. Sect-Twp-Range: 12-121-27. Parcel number(s): 206046000030.
Approvals required include an Interim Use Permit to operate a private/vacation home rental served by a holding tank septic system. Applicant/Property Owner: Jacob Annis. Property address: 6245 85th St NW, Maple Lake. Sect-Twp-Range: 24-121-27. Parcel number(s): 206090001020.
Requests related to the grading and filling of land. Approvals required include a Conditional Use Permit to move greater than 500 cubic yards of earth to create a berm along the south to provide a screen for the public from Highway 55 and to modify the drainage pattern of water across the lot. Applicant/Property Owner: Darren Flygare/Flygare Enterprises LLC. Property address: 9595 67th St NW, Annandale. Sect-Twp-Range: 33-121-27. Parcel number(s): 206000332403.
Requests related to the subdivision of land. Approvals required include a Preliminary Plat and Conditional Use to create a 3-lot residential subdivision in the R-1 (Urban/Rural Transitional) and S-2 (Residential Recreation Shorelands) Districts. Applicant/Property Owner: Terry and Stephanie Warwas. Property address: 10604 Grunwald Ave NW, Maple Lake. Sect-Twp-Range: 12-121-27. Parcel number(s): 206143001020.
Measurements and details of requests, including variances or other approvals needed, are approximate and/or subject to change. All interested persons are invited to attend these hearings and be heard or send written comments to Corinna Township Zoning Administrator, 9801 Ireland Ave, Annandale MN 55302. Application information and a staff report are available for viewing at www.hometownplanning.com (staff report typically 5-7 days prior to the hearing date). A quorum of the Town Board may be present at the meeting but will not hold deliberations or make any decisions.
Corinna Township Planning Commission/Board of Adjustment
Dated: February 26, 2024
(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, february 28, 2024)
Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of Corinna Township, County of Wright, State of Minnesota, that the Annual Meeting for Corinna Township will be held on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at 8:15 p.m. at the Town Hall, located at 9801 Ireland Ave. NW, Annandale, MN. The purpose of this meeting is for the citizens of Corinna Township to set the annual levy to be certified against the property taxes for the 2025 payable year.
The Election of Township Officers will be held on Tuesday, March 12, 2024. The polls will be open from 10 AM to 8 PM, at the Corinna Town Hall. The Township Officer to be elected is one (1) Supervisor for a period of three years. The Board of Canvass will meet immediately after the polls close to certify the official election results.
In case of inclement weather, the Town Meeting and Election will be the following Tuesday, March 19, 2024 during same hours listed above. In case of inclement weather, the Regular Town Board Meeting will be Thursday, March 21, 2024, at 7:00 PM.
Absentee Voting: The Wright County Finance & Taxpayer Services Office, at the Wright County Government Center, will administer absentee voting for the March Township Election. UOVACA voting begins Friday, January 26. Regular Absentee Voting begins Friday, February 9. Voting hours will be: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Saturday, March 9, 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. and Monday, March 11, 4:30-5:00 p.m.
Call Wright County at 1-763-682- 7692 to apply for absentee ballots. Requests for mailed absentee ballots will also be accepted.
There will be a public accuracy test of the Corinna Township Onmiballot equipment on Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.
Mary Barkley Brown
(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, february 28, 2024)
SouthSide Township
Meeting Notice
The Southside Township Board of Supervisors will meet for the regular monthly Board meeting on Thursday March 7, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at Southside Town Hall, 8209 County Road 3 NW, Annandale MN. All interested parties are encouraged to attend.
Carmen Merrill
Southside Township
(published in the annandale advocate on wednesday, february 21 and 28, 2024)
Southside Annual Meeting Notice
Notice is hereby given to the residents of Southside Township, County of Wright, State of Minnesota that the annual Town Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 12, 2024. In case of inclement weather, the meeting may be postponed until March 19, 2024. The annual meeting will commence at 8:00 P.M. to conduct all necessary business prescribed by law. The annual meeting will be held at Southside Town Hall, 8209 County Road 3 NW, Annandale, MN.
Carmen Merrill
Southside Township
(published in the annandale advocate on wednesday, february 28 and march 6, 2024)
MARCH 12, 2024
Notice is hereby given to the qualified votes of Clearwater Township, county of Wright, State of Minnesota that the Annual Meeting for the Clearwater Township will be held on March 12, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. at the town hall located at 15015 State Hwy 24, Clearwater MN. In case of inclement weather, the meeting will be held on March 19, 2024.
Jean M Just, Clerk
Clearwater Township
(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, february 21 and 28, 2024)
Notice is hereby given that the Annandale Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on March 12, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter, at the Annandale City Council Chambers, 30 Cedar Street East, to consider the following:
Consideration of a Request for Zoning Text Amendment to Section 150.17 Planned Unit Development and 150.27 High Density Multi-Family Residential District (R-5) related to Density and Associated Amendments
Applicant: Pintail Preserve, LLC (Brian Bruggeman)
Pertinent information about this request is available for viewing at City Hall.
Oral testimony will be accepted on the above subjects, and all persons desiring to be heard on referenced subjects will be heard at this meeting. Written comments may be taken at the Annandale City Hall, 30 Cedar Street East, PO Box K, Annandale, MN 55302 until the date of the hearing. Questions may be directed to the City of Annandale at 320-274-3055.
(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, february 28, 2024)
Notice is hereby given that the Annandale Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on March 12, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter, at the Annandale City Council Chambers, 30 Cedar Street East, to consider the following:
Consideration of a Request for Preliminary Plat of Pintail Preserve, Preliminary Development Plan (Planned Unit Development), and Site Plan Review of a 66-unit Multifamily Apartment in the R-5 High Density Multi-Family Residential District.
Applicant: Pintail Preserve LLC (Brian Bruggeman)
Property Owner: Steven A Bruggeman TR & Kelly R Bruggeman TR
Property Location: Lengthy Legal Description – See City Hall
PID: 102500304303
Pertinent information about this request is available for viewing at City Hall.
Oral testimony will be accepted on the above subjects, and all persons desiring to be heard on referenced subjects will be heard at this meeting. Written comments may be taken at the Annandale City Hall, 30 Cedar Street East, PO Box K, Annandale, MN 55302 until the date of the hearing. Questions may be directed to the City of Annandale at 320-274-3055.
(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, february 28, 2024)