By Wendy Storkamp
On a cool, crystal blue April morning last week the Annandale High School junior and senior classes put on their jackets and walked down to the Annandale Rec Park.
They were to attend a “mock crash.” In the season of proms, graduations and celebrations, AHS administration along with local law enforcement and rescue agencies have always tried to send the message to students about the choices they make that could significantly impact their lives, such as drinking and driving. This morning, however, would be different. The students would not be told this message. They would be shown. In the days leading up to the mock crash, messages from AHS administration were sent to students and parents that this would take place. This was not a surprise.
Seated in bleachers, the almost 300 students watched as the scene was set. Three vehicles were covered with blue tarps and were strategically set in front of them. There were moments of silence as they watched, and speculated what would happen next.
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