1. Jones called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
2. Board members present: Katie Jones, Jon Scheer, Gena Jacobson, Paul Zabinski, Melissa Muehring-Paulson and Jennifer Mealey. Student Representative: Molly Klippenes. Absent: Student Representative: Atalie Druga.
3. Mealey moved for approval of the agenda items. Scheer seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
4. Committee Reports
5. Community Comment/Concerns: None
6. Zabinski moved to approve the consent agenda. Mealey seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
A. Approval of meeting minutes from the April 24, 2023 Regular Board Meeting
B. Approval of the May check register
C. Acceptance of May donations
Cardinal Athletic Foundation (CAF) $1,000 Speech Activity Fund
Cardinal Athletic Foundation (CAF) $2,000 Softball Activity Fund
Cardinal Athletic Foundation (CAF) $2,000 Volleyball Activity Fund
Cardinal Athletic Foundation (CAF) $5,000 Cheer Team
Cardinal Athletic Foundation (CAF) $4,000 Boys & Girls Golf Activity Fund
Cardinal Athletic Foundation (CAF) $5,000 Robotics Activity Fund
Cardinal Athletic Foundation (CAF) $3,000 AHS Scholarship Fund
South Haven Firemen’s Relief Assoc $10,000 AHS Scholarship Fund
Ricky Steffen $500 AHS Scholarship Fund
Jesse & Kelly Provo $150 Grant Glazier Scholarship Fund
Tammy Tetrick $50 worth of gift cards 8th Grade Dance
Anonymous $50 worth of gift cards 8th Grade Dance
Anonymous $200 worth of gift cards 8th Grade Dance
Anonymous $10 worth of gift cards 8th Grade Dance
St. John’s Lutheran Church $497.96 Student Need Fund
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) $500 Read Across America Speaker & Bingo prizes
Nicholas Greve Foundation $2,000 Nicholas Greve Scholarship Fund
Federated Co-Ops $2,000 AHS Scholarship Fund
Annandale Improvement Club $186 AHS Angel Fund
Benjamin & Alison Menk $100 Grant Glazier Scholarship Fund
The Children’s Theatre Company $243.44 AMS Transportation Subsidy
Anonymous $20 Angel Fund
Ruth Olson-Bahe $150 The “Nest” AES Book Vending Machine
Annandale Lion’s Club $600 4th Grade Sale
Annandale Education Association $1,000 AHS Scholarship Fund
Coreen Dougherty $1,000 AHS Scholarship Fund
Team Huro-No One Fights Alone Inc $500 AHS Scholarship Fund
MacLean Enterprises, LLC $1,000 AHS Scholarship Fund
Annandale Firefighter’s Relief Assn $4,000 AHS Scholarship Fund
Malco Products, SBC $1,500 AHS Scholarship Fund
Amy Unzicker $500 Robotics Activity Fund
Amy Unzicker $500 BPA Activity Fund
Annandale Lion’s Club $525 Robotics Activity Fund
Annandale Lion’s Club $645 Jordan Family Scholarship Fund
Zahler Photography of Annandale, Inc 30X40 Framed Senior Pictures ($450 value) AHS
D. Approval of Leave(s) of Absence
E. Approval of Resignation(s)
7. Unfinished Business
A. Enrollment projections for 2022-23
B. District Enrollment Summary
8. New Business
A. Qcomp Annual Review by Jon Meinke & Katie Techel
B. Facilities update
C. Mealey moved to adopt the Resolution Relating to the Issuance of School Building Bonds and Calling an Election Thereon was duly seconded by Member Jacobson and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Jones, Scheer, Mealey, Jacobson, Zabinski and Muehring-Paulson.
And the following voted against the same: None
D. Scheer moved to approve the FY 2024 Capital Budget. Mealey seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
E. Mealey moved to approve the following Work Assignments. Scheer seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
1. Katie Stewart – Dayshift Custodian – AES
F. Jacobson moved to approve the following 23-24 Contracts. Zabinski seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
1. Ashley Cook – Transitional Kindergarten Teacher – Elementary School
2. Andrew Bowman – 1st Grade Teacher – Elementary School
3. Sarah Onstad – Family & Consumer Science Teacher – High School
4. Amanda Rasset – Learning Disabilities Special Education Teacher – Elementary School
5. Maggie Miller – DCD Special Education Teacher – High School
6. Emily Grewe Mueller – Social Studies Teacher – Middle School
G. Zabinski moved to approve the following policies in the review cycle. Scheer seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
1. 508 Extended School Year for Certain Students with Individual Education Plan (3 year review-minimal changes highlighted)
2. 510 School Activities (3 year review-no changes)
3. 516 Student Medications (3 year review-changes highlighted)
9. Information Items
A. The next monthly meeting will be at the Annandale Elementary School on Monday, June 26, 2023 at 7:00 pm held in person in the media center.
10. Mealey made the motion to adjourn at 8:03 pm. Scheer seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Gena Jacobson, School Board Clerk
A full copy of the Minutes of the School Board Meeting are available in the ISD 876 District office.
(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, july 5, 2023)
Corinna Township Hall Addition & Remodel
9801 Ireland Avenue
Annandale, MN 55302
Corinna Township
9801 Ireland Avenue
Annandale, MN 55302
Mary Barkley Brown
Corinna Township Clerk
(320) 274-8049
Pre-Bid Meeting will be held prior to date required for submission of Bids. Bidders are encouraged to attend in order to better understand Project, and for dissemination of information and clarification of intent of Bidding Documents. Questions and responses will be published in an Addenda following conference.
Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on July 12, 2023
Architect will conduct pre-Bid Meeting at 9:00 a.m. local time. Owner will have a representative at meeting.
Site Visitation: Bidders may visit Project site to familiarize themselves with local conditions after checking in with Owner before visiting Project site.
Bids are due: July 20, 2023 at 2:00pm.
Submit bids to the attention of Mary Barkley Brown at Corinna Township Hall, located at 9801 Ireland Ave. Annandale, MN 55302
Bids will be opened in public and will be accepted by sealed envelope or hand delivered.
Owner will accept proposals from general contractors for a prime contract for complete construction of entire Project.
Drawings and specifications are on file at the following locations:
The office of GLTArchitects in St. Cloud, Minnesota.
The office of the Owner.
Interested parties may view the Bidding Documents at no cost on the website: and click on “Announcements”, then click on “Advertisement for Bids”(E-Plan Room).” Bidding Documents can be downloaded for a non-refundable charge of $22.00. Planholders ae parties that have downloaded the plans and specifications. Planholders will be notified via email as addenda are issued. Parties that download the plans and specifications and need to have them printed elsewhere are solely responsible for those printing costs. The sale or paper copies for projects listed on this site are not available. Contact at 952-233-1632 or info@quest for assistance in viewing or downloading with this digital project information.
Prime Contract Bidders shall submit certified check or surety bond, payable to Owner, in amount of 5 percent of Bid. Surety must be authorized to do business in State of Minnesota. Bid security to be guarantee that Bidder will not withdraw bid without owner’s consent. Bids to be valid for 30 days.
Performance Bond is required but Owner reserves the right to require any prime Contractor to provide Performance Bond. If so requested, Owner will pay cost of such Bond.
Performance Bond is required in amount of 100 percent of Contract amount.
Owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive Bidding formalities, and to award prime contracts to Bidder that Owner finds to their best advantage.
Each Bidder agrees to waive any claim it has or may have against Owner, Architect, engineer, and their respective employees, arising out of or in connection with administration, evaluation, or recommendation of any Bid.
This Contract has a 7-calendar day prior approval clause for product Substitutions.
(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, july 5 and 12, 2023)
The Stearns County Board of Commissioners is seeking applicants for an appointment to the Clearwater River Watershed District Board of Managers. This appointment would be to serve a three-year term ending on August 13, 2026. If you are interested in being appointed to this board and you reside in the Clearwater River Watershed District in Stearns County, send a brief resume giving your place of residence and any other information about yourself which you would like to share with the Board regarding your qualifications or interests in serving on this board. An online application form and more information on this board is available on the Stearns County website:
You can also contact us at 320-656-3900, send resumes to the Stearns County Auditor-Treasurer’s Office, Administration Center, 705 Courthouse Square RM 148, St. Cloud, MN 56303, email Randy Schreifels at or contact your county commissioner, Jeff Bertram, at Applications are due no later than July 28, 2023.
Randy R. Schreifels, MBA, CPA
Stearns County Auditor-Treasurer
(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, july 5, 2023)
Annandale Public Schools, ISD #0876-01, is proposing a single question bond referendum on August 8, 2023 that would authorize $98.7 million in bonding authority to finance: a new, 198,175 square foot high school, the conversion of the existing high school to a middle school, and the demolition of the existing middle school.
The project would be scheduled for completion in calendar years 2024 through 2026. Cost estimates by location/project type are shown right.
The district last went to the voters in November 2021 for a bond referendum with a similar project scope; a referendum that failed to pass. In addition to the construction cost inflation that has occurred since 2021, the proposed referendum differs from the 2021 referendum in a few notable ways. The proposed referendum, would not address early childhood space needs at the elementary school and also adds a five court fieldhouse with a running track (along with a two station gymnasium in the school building). The amount of proposed gym space exceeds MDE Guidelines.
Though student enrollment increased at an annual rate of around 2-3 percent per year over the prior several years, it is expected to stabilize over the next five years. Open enrollment gains have diminished over the last few years. For the 2019-20 school year, 495 students open-enrolled in to the district and 66 resident students open-enrolled out to other schools districts: a net gain of 429 students. For the 2022-2023 school year, 474 students open-enrolled in to the district and 208 resident students open-enrolled out to other schools districts: a net gain of only 266 students
The existing middle school is the oldest school district building, with a portion of the building having been constructed in 1922. The building has numerous deferred maintenance needs, which are estimated to cost over $17 million to remedy. The middle school is also located on a small, 11.6 acre site, which severely limits the possibility of additional building space.
The district has supplied cost estimates to operate and staff the additional building space. It appears that existing revenues will be sufficient to fund the operational cost increases associated with the proposed facility additions and renovations. The proposed projects appear to be in the long-term interest of the school district.
If the bond referendum is successful and bonds are sold, the debt service on the bonds will be eligible for debt service equalization under Minnesota Statutes, section 123B.53, subdivision 3, if the bond schedule is approved. The amount of debt service equalization aid, if any, the district receives is determined annually and dependent upon property wealth, student population, and other statutory requirements.
Review and Comment Statement
Based on the department’s analysis of the school district’s required documentation and other pertinent information from sources of the Minnesota Department of Education, the Commissioner of Education provides a positive review and comment.
Additional Information is Available
Persons desiring additional information regarding this proposal should contact the school district superintendent’s office.
Willie L. Jett II
June 6, 2023
Proposed School Project (original document)
(published in the annandale advocate wednesday, july 5, 2023)