TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Corinna Township Planning Commission/Board of Adjustment will convene on Tuesday, June 13, 2023, beginning at 7:00 PM at Corinna Town Hall, 9801 Ireland Ave, Annandale to conduct the following public hearing(s):
Any tabled items from previous meetings that have provided the required information.
Requests related to the replacement of an existing dwelling. Approvals required include Variances to construct a 26’ x 42’ two-story dwelling with 6’ x 8’ covered entry to replace a 25’5” x 42’ single-story dwelling with 6’ x 8’ covered entry and to add a 12’ x 28’ two-story dwelling addition approximately 53.3 feet from the lake (minimum 75 feet required) and 11.6 feet from a side lot line (minimum 15 feet required) and to install a new septic drainfield approximately 15.4 feet from an existing garage (minimum 20 feet required). An existing open deck will remain at 39.9 feet from the lake. Applicant/Property Owner: Brian Dahlberg/Dahlberg Living Trust. Property address: 11351 89th St NW, Annandale. Sect-Twp-Range: 19-121-27. Parcel number(s): 206062000300.
Requests relating to the construction of a new driveway and eventual dwelling. Approvals required include a conditional use permit for the substantial alteration of land in a shoreland district (movement of well over 50 cubic yards of material) to accommodate the placement of a driveway. Project will involve altering steep slopes, substantial removal of tree cover and the potential for altering drainage patterns and significant erosion. Applicant/Property Owner: Brice Lamey/Robert Gruys. Property address: None (112th Street NW, Maple Lake). Sect-Twp-Range: 1-121-27. Parcel number(s): 206149001040.
Requests relating to the subdivision of land. Approvals required include preliminary plat approval of a proposed subdivision of land in an I-1 General Industry zoning district to create a new lot in the northwest corner of the existing parcel. Applicant/Property Owner: FERGSBA LLC. Property address: 9397 67th Street NW, Annandale. Sect-Twp-Range: 33-121-27. Parcel number(s): 206000332400.
Requests relating to the construction of a detached garage. Approvals required include Variances to construct a 30’ x 30’ single-story detached garage with a 9’ x 34’ open-sided storage area approximately 43 feet from the centerline of a township road (minimum 65 feet required). Applicant and Property Owner: Marty McGraw/Martin P McGraw Revocable Trust. Property address: 11304 Klever Ave NW, Annandale. Sect-Twp-Range: 5-121-27. Parcel number(s): 206016000020.
Requests related to the construction of a storage building. Approvals required include a Variance to construct a 12’ x 16’ storage shed approximately 52 feet from the centerline of a township road (minimum 65 feet required). Applicant/Property Owner: David and Sandra Williams. Property address: None (across from 8244 Irvine Ave NW, Annandale). Sect-Twp-Range: 22-121-27. Parcel number(s): 206055001040 and 206054000080.
Requests related to the construction of a new dwelling to replace an existing cabin. Approvals required include modification of a Variance request granted in April 2023 to add 4 feet to the width of the proposed dwelling. Previously approved variances for the single-story dwelling with partial loft and an approximate 10’4″ x 14’8″ screen porch 62′ ft and 47.4 ft respectively from Sugar Lake (min. 75 ft required) would remain the same. Applicant/Property Owner: Erik Anderson/Stewart C Anderson & Deborah J Anderson Trust. Property address: 11751 Gulden Ave NW, Maple Lake. Sect-Twp-Range: 1-121-27. Parcel number(s): 206085000010.
Ordinance Amendment to modify Sections 302 (Definitions), 501 (Zoning Administrator), 503 (Planning Commission), 505 (Conditional Use Permits), 506 (Permits and Fees), 603-606A and 608—612 (various Zoning Districts), 727 (Mining and Extraction), and 762 (Solar Energy Farms and Solar Energy Systems) of the Corinna Township Land Use Ordinance. The intent of the amendments is to increase the size of solar energy systems allowed by administrative permit from 10 to 40kW in all zoning districts; increase the size of solar systems considered to be solar energy systems from 100 to 200kW and solar farms to be those over 200 kW; continue to prohibit new solar farms; to clarify that the duties of the Zoning Administrator are to interpret applicable ordinances, address amendments to the Township zoning map, to add to the list of duties relating to enforcement of the ordinance and to clarify procedures for appealing interpretations of the zoning administrator; to clarify that the planning commission makes final decisions on conditional use permits; to add language for procedures relating to the discontinuance of conditional use permits; to modify definitions for “Access Drive (Driveway)”, Solar Energy Farm, Solar Energy System and Utility Interconnection, to increase the allowable time period for a mining and extraction interim use permit from one year to three years and make other amendments as being considered by Wright County; and to modify various permit application fees. Applicant: Corinna Township
Measurements and details of requests, including variances or other approvals needed, are approximate and/or subject to change. All interested persons are invited to attend these hearings and be heard or send written comments to Corinna Township Zoning Administrator, 9801 Ireland Ave, Annandale MN 55302. Application information and a staff report are available for viewing at (staff report typically 5-7 days prior to the hearing date). A quorum of the Town Board may be present at the meeting but will not hold deliberations or make any decisions.
Corinna Township Planning Commission/Board of Adjustment
Dated: May 26, 2023
(published in the annandale advocate, wednesday, may 31, 2023)
1. Jones called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm.
2. Board members present: Katie Jones, Jon Scheer, Gena Jacobson, Melissa Muehring-Paulson and Jennifer Mealey. Absent: Paul Zabinski and Student Representatives: Molly Klippenes and Atalie Druga.
3. Mealey moved for approval of the agenda items. Scheer seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
4. Committee Reports
5. Community Comment/Concerns: None
6. Jacobson moved to approve the consent agenda. Mealey seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
A. Approval of meeting minutes from the March 27, 2023 Work Session Board Meeting , March 27, 2023 Regular Board Meeting and April 5, 2023 Work Session Board Meeting
B. Approval of the April check register
C. Acceptance of April donations
Clearwater Lions Club $3,000 AHS Scholarship Fund
Annandale Improvement Club $2,000 AHS Scholarship Fund
Annandale Lion’s Club $705 Jordan Family Scholarship Fund
Cenex-Maple Lake $6,000 AHS Scholarship Fund
Cardinal Athletic Foundation $3,000 BPA Activity Fund
St. John’s Lutheran Church $360.94 Nurse’s Fund
Thomas Westman $100 8th Grade Dance
Annandale Lion’s Club $550 Robotics Activity Fund
Annandale Kiwanis Club $500 Robotics Activity Fund
Annandale Education Association $2,999.55 Kari Dircks Grant
Annandale Education Association $3,000 Katie Zuehlke Grant
Annandale United Methodist Church $300 Student Need Fund-Backpack Buddies
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) $600 4th Grade Sale
Dale & Beth Beckmann Family $1,000 Timothy John Beckmann Memorial Fund Scholarship Fund
Norm Planer/Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC $1,000 Promise Scholarship Fund
Norm Planer/Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC $1,000 Beryl Planer Scholarship Fund
Rebecca Planer $1,000 Beryl Planer Scholarship Fund
John Schulzetenberg $1,000 Beryl Planer Scholarship Fund
D. Approval of Leave(s) of Absence
E. Approval of Retirement(s)
a. Linda Dechaine – Paraprofessional – High School
F. Approval of AHS Probationary Teachers from year one to two and year two to three
G. Approval of AMS Probationary Teachers from year one to two
H. Approval of AES Probationary Teachers from year one to two and year two to three
I. Approval of Tenure for Probationary Teachers
a. Chelsey Mersbergen-AHS
b. Angela Swanson-AHS
c. Belinda Bergren-AES
d. MaKayla Quade-AES
J. Approval of Resignation(s)
7. Unfinished Business
A. Enrollment projections for 2022-23
B. District Enrollment Summary
8. New Business
A. Mealey moved to approve the Recognition of Student Qualifiers for State Competition List. Scheer seconded. Motion carried 5-0. Speech: Ryan Helm-Great Speeches, Marissa Lovegren-Discussion, Camryn Moon-Duo, Myles Hayes-Duo and Julia Segner-Poetry
B. Facilities discussion
1. Scheer made a motion instructing administration to work with ICS and Wold to submit review and comment to the state of Minnesota for an August 8, 2023 special bond election up to, but not to exceed $98.7 million. Seconded by Jacobson and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Jones, Scheer, Mealey, Jacobson and Muehring-Paulson.
C. Mealey moved to approve closing the 5th Grade Class (will be the 6th Grade Class next year) for Open Enrollment for the 23-24 School Year to Follow the 607.1 Class Size Policy. Scheer seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
D. Scheer moved to approve the additions to headcount in high school and middle school math and a part-time elementary mental health specialist. Jacobson seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
E. Muehring-Paulson moved to approve the following 23-24 Contracts. Scheer seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
1. Tara Kubian – Cross Categorical ABS Teacher – High School
2. Benjamin Anderson – 6th Grade Teacher – Middle School
3. Dawn Stumpf – .75 Music Teacher, .25 Mental Health Specialist – Elementary School
4. Emily Barthel – Emotional Behavior Disorders Special Education Teacher – Elementary School
5. Ashley Cain – Developmental Cognitive Disabilities Special Education Teacher – Middle School
6. Nicole Olesen – Emotional Behavior Disorders Special Education Teacher – Middle School
7. Brittany Clemence – Learning Disabilities Special Education Teacher – Middle School
8. Alana Kopp – Academic & Behavioral Interventionist – High School
F. Mealey moved to approve the following 22-23 Work Assignments. Scheer seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
1. Steven Edwards – Night Lead Custodian – Middle School
2. Saskia Weisman – Cooks Helper – Middle School
G. Adoption of a Resolution to terminate the contract of a probationary teacher.
Scheer made a motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member Muehring-Paulson and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Scheer, Jones, Mealey, Jacobson and Muehring-Paulson.
And the following voted against the same: None
H. Scheer moved to approve the following policies in the review cycle. Mealey seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
1. 414 Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse (Mandatory annual review-changes highlighted)
2. 504 Student Dress and Appearance (3 year review-one change highlighted)
3. 505 Distribution of Nonschool-Sponsored Materials on School Premises by Students and Employees (3 year review-no changes)
4. 507 Corporal Punishment (3 year review-minor changes highlighted)
9. Information Items
A. The next monthly meeting will be at the Annandale Elementary School on Monday, May 22, 2023 at 7:00 pm held in person in the media center.
10. Mealey made the motion to adjourn at 7:42 pm. Jacobson seconded. Motion carried 5-0.
A full copy of the Minutes of the School Board Meeting are available in the ISD 876 District office.
(published in the annandale advocate, wednesday, may 31, 2023)
Advertisement for Bids Hemlock St Roundabout
(published in the annandale advocate, wednesday, may 17, 24 and 31, 2023)